Let’s Talk
photo by © Paul Kitagaki, Jr. www.kitagakiphoto.com
Let’s Talk … About thriving in the pandemic, Part 2
January 1, 2021 by Satsuki Ina, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
We have many things to look forward to in 2021, a kind of U-turn, but on a different plane of living. The “new normal” will forever be inflected by this harrowing epidemic, unprecedented political instability and the raw social injustice brought to the heart of 2020. Like the lumbering ox that represents the Chinese zodiac […]
Let’s Talk … About thriving in the pandemic, Part 1
October 22, 2020 by Satsuki Ina, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
It was March, seven long months ago when COVID-19 was acknowledged as a pandemic. When the shutdown was announced most of us thought we could just hold our breaths, make some minor adjustments and things would get back to “normal” within a reasonable period of time. But here and now, the numbers of people contracting […]
Let’s Talk…About Tsuru for Solidarity
January 1, 2020 by Satsuki Ina, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
In the fall of 2018, a small group of Nikkei in the Bay Area gathered to begin planning for a preliminary pilgrimage to Crystal City, Texas, a former Department of Justice camp where several of us had been held as children separated from our fathers during World War II. With the increasingly hostile and racist […]
Let’s Talk…About therapy
October 25, 2018 by Satsuki Ina, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
People sometimes ask, “How do I know I need therapy?” “How do I find a therapist that will truly understand me?” There are certainly long and detailed answers to these questions, but here are some condensed thoughts that may be helpful in answering these questions. Generally, when a person is feeling that life is not […]
Let’s Talk…About standing up
February 1, 2018 by Satsuki Ina, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
I’m here in Honolulu to assist in interviewing my friend and inspiration, Mr. Hitoshi “Hank” Naito, a 93-year-young Nisei man whom I met several years ago while working on a documentary film about my family’s experience at Tule Lake, Calif. during World War II. Confronted with the so-called “loyalty questionnaire,” Hank’s Issei father had worked […]
Let’s Talk…Self care and caregiving
October 27, 2016 by Satsuki Ina, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
Sometime in our lives, most of us will be caregivers. For the most part, taking care of babies and children who are dependent on us, is a different experience from taking care of aging parents or ill spouses who are dependent on us. Having children and timing the responsibility for a certain stage of your […]